Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

A “cookie” is a small text file that is placed on a user’s computer hard drive by a website. There are several types of cookie and the most common are often referred to as ‘session’ cookies. These are used to keep track of information needed by a user as they travel from page to page within a website. These cookies have a short lifetime and expire within a few minutes of the user leaving the site.

Other types of cookies can be used to track internet activity after the user has left a website. These are usually sponsored by organisations external to the website being visited and are generally known as ‘third party’ cookies. These usually have a long lifetime with several months being quite common. They are ‘harvested’ and ‘refreshed’ whenever the user visits a page where the same or a similar cookie is being used.

Balance to Thrive uses benign, short lived ‘session’ cookies to tell whether a website user has logged in, where to find details that can be used to pre-fill parts of on-line forms and to personalise the user’s visit to the website.

Balance to Thrive cookies do not analyse visits to other website or any searches undertaken whilst on the Balance to Thrive website.

Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default; however, it is possible to set a browser to reject cookies. If this is done it is important not to exclude the benign and useful session cookies. Choose an option that rejects all third party and long lived cookies.

Balance to Thrive uses cookie free technology that uses Internet Protocol (IP) information exchanged during the course of normal web activity combined with data enhancement technology to get detailed analytics information.

Links to Third Party Websites

This Privacy Policy applies solely to the personal data collected by Balance to Thrive and does not apply to third party websites.

Balance to Thrive is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites. Balance to Thrive advises users to read the privacy policies of other websites before registering any personal data.


Balance to Thrive holds your personal data in accordance with the security provisions of the UK data protection legislation.

If you have any questions about security please contact Balance to Thrive on 07707 396833.

Notification of Changes

Balance to Thrive will notify all users of any changes it makes to its Privacy Policy. If Balance to Thrive decides to change its Privacy Policy, it will post such changes on this page so that you are always aware of how Balance to Thrive uses your personal data.

Users have the right to ask Balance to Thrive, in writing, for a copy of all the personal data held about them upon payment of a fee (“subject access request”) and to request that Balance to Thrive correct any inaccuracies in that information.

Your rights over your data

You have the right to rectify, amend, correct or erase your data except where there is a legal basis for refusal.